Our School » Admissions Office

Admissions Office

Admissions Office


As many of you know, attendance is directly related to student achievement. Therefore, it is imperative to practice excellent attendance in school to achieve maximum potential. 

Because Sepulveda MS has a large student population, we are asking for your assistance so that we can better serve you. Please click on the "On Campus Learning" or "Virtual Learning" located on the right column for information on our attendance procedures.

Thank you.

Attendance Matter

  1. On Campus Learning
    • Absenses
    • Tardies
    • Early Dismissal
    • Messages
    • Deliveries

On Campus


  1. A student is considered tardy to Homeroom if they arrive after 8:00 am. 
  2. During Homeroom and Periods 1-8, the student must be in their seat before the Tardy bell rings. 
  3. If a student arrives after 8:25 am, they must go to the Admission Office to check in. 


  1. Our hope is that students attend school everyday, unless they are ill. 
  2. The Admission Office is open at 7:15 AM to re-admit students who were absent the previous day. 
  3. The student must have a note that includes their full name, birthdate, reason for absence, date of absence and parent signature. The student will then receive an absence clearance note that they will present to their teachers. 
  4. If students are absent for an extended length of time, parents must notify the office as soon as possible. 

Early Dismissals 

  1. If you know that you will be picking your child up early, please have your child go to the Admission Office, prior to the beginning of the school day, with a note stating the reason, time of dismissal, phone number and your signature. The student will then receive a dismissal pass. It is the responsibility of the student to show the pass to the teacher and go to the Admission Office to meet you at the appropriate time. 
  2. Parents are required to pick up and sign out their children in the Admission Office during school hours. 
  3. In the event of an emergency and you must pick up your child early, please call the Admission Office as soon as possible. We request that you notify us prior to arriving to school. 
  4. Although we understand your busy schedule, please keep in mind that it takes time to process the paperwork and to summons the student to the Admission Office. We appreciate your understanding, in advance, regarding this matter. 


  1. Messages for students are taken only in the event of an emergency. 
  2. Messages will only be taken from parents and/or guardians. 


  1. Items are not to be delivered to the classroom directly. 
  2. School related items must be brought into the Admission Office. 
  3. The Admission Office will not deliver Non-School related items such as balloons, flowers, stuffed animals, cakes, etc for birthdays or other special occasions. 

If you have any questions regarding the above procedures, please feel free to call the Admission Office.